The Fairy Tale of You and Me (Romeo)
“Love can never be a decision nor be immediate; it should be love everlasting… Will I ever found the right one?”
Young and ever so playful, the young me dreamt of becoming a knight
A noisy knight yet ever so majestic
Always been respected and honoured
A knight that always be so loyal
And brave to save my princess
Laying outside my house looking to the sparkling dark sky
I noticed you looking at me for the very first time
Let’s pretend I didn’t see that
Yet I became so curious about you
I want to talk to you yet you always turn away
But fate was nice to let me say my name and smile to you
“Will we be great friends?”
I am a knight and you are my princess
A princess who is always so quiet and sad
Yet I notice your beauty behind that frown
We had a lot of fun together
And laughs to go with it
And then I met your friend one afternoon
I was struck by cupid for a very short time
There I started to become fond of her
“Is she the one for me?”
Yet I always missed the days where we had fun
You and her are really distant apart
So I went outside to think
I saw you walking alone towards me
Why my heart is becoming so anxious
I said “Hello!” with a shy face then you smiled at me
“Please keep it like that!”
She came unexpected with a furious look in her face
Why do I think she is mad at you?
She called you to a distant spot
She said she wants to have a talk with you alone
Curious me followed silently
I heard she said that you should stay away from me
And you replied a big yes
You said that I am her Romeo
I was shocked to hear all of that
And I also heard you cry
I thought that love is just a simple decision
To think that the right one was their in front of me
She really cried so heavily
My heart was crushed
I felt so stupid
Cupid failed to do his part
I became a Beast
With a flower that is going to wither soon
Still confused I can’t decide on my own
Is love really this complicated?
I can’t believe I was deceived by a witch
And now the princess is sleeping somewhere in agony
I suddenly see a mirror in front of me
And I see memories the two of us smiling and ever so happy
This is the time the Prince needs to stand up and be a knight for his princess
Like any Prince, we want to get our princesses out from outmost tragedy
I came to you in exhaustion
I said in a troubling voice that I am sorry for what she had made to you
And then I said that a magic mirror helped me see through it all
Without any regrets, I shout:
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